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25% of the Island's emissions in 2022 were caused by transport, and is the third largest emissions category after electricity generation and buildings heating. A well-known approach to  reducing these emissions in an impactful way is choosing active travel modes such as walking, wheeling and cycling, closely followed by public transport.

Replacing car journeys with public transport can help reduce CO2 and make a huge difference to congestion and air quality as a bus can take up to 50 cars off the road. If public transport is convenient from your area can you switch to the bus for everyday trips or pledge to have car free days when convenient?

Current initiatives

Decarbonising transport is more about getting around differently than it is about stopping people from doing things. For example, many journeys on the Island are short, could be avoided or could be done differently.

A holistic Transport Strategy is underway by the Department of Infrastructure which will also look at the best approaches for the Island to reduce the emissions associated with travel and help us meet targets in the Climate Change Plan 2022-2027. Decarbonising transport can deliver greater and wider co-benefits, such as, improved air quality, quieter, safer and less congested roads (which in turn benefits business and the economy). 

Tips for you

Planning your journey

Do you want to go car-free? Take a look at look at or to find all the latest bus timetables and see live journeys in your area.

There are many other benefits to going car-free too, such as improved quality time together with the family, sightseeing and a fun day out. It's why we recently worked with Kids on the Rock to bring you some ideas for car free adventures in the Isle of Man

car share

If you live somewhere which is not convenient to take public transport, why not consider car sharing? You can still use the convenience of car to take all your key journeys but it is an easy way to cut the cost of driving, split emissions, socialise with colleagues and find new connections in your area. Find out more on the Liftshare website.