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Transport accounted for 25% of the Island's emissions in 2022, making it our third largest emissions category.

A well-known approach to reducing emissions associated with transport is the green transport hierarchy whereby active travel like walking and cycling is prioritised, followed by public transport, taxis, car shares, and finally, private cars. Thanks to technological advances, our vehicles are becoming greener, too.

Electric vehicles are made up of two electric motors powered by the energy stored in a battery pack: these vehicles require a connection to the electrical network to recharge. Unlike petrol and diesel engine cars, electric vehicles don't burn any fuel. This means zero CO2 emissions are released into the atmosphere when they are driven.

Current initiatives

A holistic Transport Strategy is underway by the Department of Infrastructure which will also look at the best approaches for the Island to reduce the emissions associated with travel and help us meet targets in the Climate Change Plan 2022-2027. 

Alternatives to fossil fuel vehicles, for example, electric or biofuel vehicles, will be an essential part of the transition. EV infrastructure in the Isle of Man has continued to be improved - the roll-out of the public charging network by Manx Utilities meeting the European standard of 1 charging point for every 10 electric vehicles. Electric cars will reduce emissions further once the Island generates its energy from renewable sources.

In Government, Fleet Services in the Department of Infrastructure continue to procure electric vehicles where feasible and explore biofuel options with the Climate Change Transformation Team for harder-to-decarbonise vehicles.

Did you know?

Transport is our third largest emissions category

Benefits of electric vehicles

By choosing an electric vehicle, you are helping our Island combat climate change. There are plenty of reasons to use electric vehicles. Here are the top ten highlights:

  • the energy efficiency of the electric vehicle is almost double that of the internal combustion
  • there is no pollution, as it is not burning any fuel. Similarly, it does not expel gases such as CO2 and does not depend on limited energy
  • they run very quietly and so contributes to reducing noise pollution
  • it does not need oil or constant checks, so its maintenance is much cheaper
  • electric recharging is cheaper than filling a tank with gasoline or diesel
  • it can be recharged at home through conventional plugs
  • thanks to regenerative brakes, electric car batteries store kinetic energy that escapes as heat when braking
  • gears shift automatically, are clutchless and have low wear, so are much easier to drive
  • the new lithium-ion batteries extend the autonomy of the electric car up to 150 km

Know your electric cars

An electric vehicle is one powered (in whole or in part) by a battery that plugs directly into mains electricity, and there are many varying options.

Battery electric vehicle 
Also known as a ‘pure’ electric vehicle, these cars are powered solely by a battery charged from mains electricity and have a range of 100 to 300 miles per charge. They can be driven by holders of automatic licences, too, as they have no gearbox.

Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)
These cars have a battery plus an internal combustion engine (ICE). Once the electric range of up to 50 miles is used, the PHEV reverts to hybrid power, meaning there are no limits in terms of the range.

Extended Range Electric Vehicle (E-REV)
Like plug-in hybrids, E-REVs have a battery, electric drive motor, and a petrol or diesel generator. The internal combustion engine acts as a generator when the battery is depleted, meaning the range can be extended up to 300 miles. 



As more manufacturers produce electric versions of their existing models, exclusive electric models and new manufacturers enter the marketplace, the cost of buying a new electric will keep coming down.


Electric vehicle charging points

Manx Utilities are continuing to roll out more electric vehicle charging points and have introduced their first EV public rapid charging point as part of a ‘pay-for-use’ charging network.

The unit is conveniently located at the Sea Terminal to accommodate residents, businesses and visitors.

The rapid charge point is capable of providing 100 miles of range for a 30 minute charge based on 4 miles per kWh at a cost of 25p per kWh (approx. 7p per mile) which is competitive with UK pricing and less than petrol or diesel fuel alternatives.

View up to date details on the available charge points.