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In May 2024, a series of four collaborative workshops were held with over 40 internal and external stakeholders to discuss the register of risks and opportunities from climate change that is being developed for the Isle of Man.  The project is being delivered by ADAS and WRc, consultancies within RSK Group, as part of a wider independent Climate Risks and Opportunities Assessment which will inform the planned Adaptation Strategy.  

The assessment considers the changes to our climate that are projected under global warming levels of 2oC and 4oC, across three timescales: short term (present day), medium term (2050s) and long-term (2080s). For each scenario, the impacts on our natural environment, agriculture and forestry; health, communities and built environment; business, industry and finance; and infrastructure sectors were considered.

Workshop - natural environment, agriculture and forestry

The workshops identified the impacts of climate change that we are already experiencing, as well as confirming the future risks and scoring the likelihood and magnitude of such events occurring. In addition, urgency scores were applied to each risk to understand where more action is needed, where current action should be sustained, and where further investigation is needed. 

Later this summer, a further round of workshops will compare this Island-specific register of risks and opportunities to our existing policies and actions, to identify areas where further action is needed to increase our resilience (or to realise any opportunities). 

If you would like to find out more about the project, or contribute to future workshops, please email, Climate Partner for Transport and Infrastructure.