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Thanks for visiting for Pledgspiration! The movement towards a healthy planet that is in balance with nature and a safe climate is growing. You can be a part of it. Many positive climate actions are also good for you, protecting our island's Biosphere and the planet. High-impact actions include going car-free, buying less or pre-loved, taking the ferry and train instead of flying and even checking our bank isn't investing in fossil fuels.

Here are some pledges from our Islander's Taking Action board at Gaia. Or you may wish to look for more inspiration from our top 10 tips for tackling climate change.


  • To communicate more and better with others about the climate emergency
  • To educate myself and peers more on our contribution to climate change
  • Teach my children better ways to take care of our planet
  • To do better, Jo 56 3/4 yrs
  • To do as much as possible to save our beautiful world,  67 yrs
  • To be like David Attenborough
  • Help save this beautiful planet for my grandchildren, Sue 59 yrs
  • To do lots of small things to take better care of our planet
  • There is no planet B and Earth is all we have - if we don't take care of it we won't have a home, and too many animals are going extinct but no one cares - if we don't help we don't have a home, Sophie 8yrs


  • Reduce my food waste by meal planning
  • Compost my food scraps
  • Visit the Douglas foodie market to buy local seasonal produce
  • Donate any unused good food to my local community fridge or Food Bank
  • Have my own plot before I turn 50


  • Leave more space for wilderness in my garden
  • To plant more trees in my garden
  • To keep the Earth clean, Harry 5yrs
  • When I grow up I want to help the animals on the Earth and protect them because they are just as important as we are! Molly
  • Stop people destroying nature, Daniela


  • Go car free at least one day every weekend 
  • Bike to work as much as I can
  • To walk more and not to waste petrol, Poppy 5yrs 
  • To walk to school everyday, Sienna
  • Look at starting a carpooling or lift sharing with colleagues or those who work in our building
  • To travel less by air


  • Make second-hand my first choice for the majority of my clothes shopping
  • Buy local, use second-hand where possible and make my bathroom plastic free
  • Buy only what I need - consider any new purchases carefully, thinking it over for a day or two!
  • Help stop fast-fashion, S 17yrs
  • We will be more careful with how much plastic we buy, The Hughes
  • I promise to be creative and reuse old junk, Emily 12yrs


  • To dry my clothes outside as the only way of drying - plan washing around good weather days
  • Book the Energy Doctor to see what more efficiencies and savings I can make at home
  • To try and get solar panels on our roof
  • Stop using as much electricity, Ava 10 yrs

Multiple ACTIONS

  • Go on the boat and pick up all the rubbish and plant more flowers for bees, Seren 6yrs
  • To take as much rubbish out of the sea until my mum calls me to dinner
  • To try harder to make our world a better place for future generations
  • To plant trees, flowers, fruit and vegetables. To be more self-sufficient. To love all living things. To set a good example.
  • To be a good Manx community steward for the sustainability if our property and space occupied - to be free from fossil fuels, GWP and to achieve net zero.
  • To walk whenever I can, save energy and recycle, Maximus 11 yrs
  • We need to save the planet, we need to stop (fossil) fuel companies, Jenna